Monocentropus balfouri
Hogna carolinensis
Hadrurus arizonensis
hyllus giganteus
hyllus diardi
Phidippus octopunctatus
phidippus regius
phidippus tyrelli
team up with you in expanding our collection! If you find new isopod species or intriguing native roach species like Parcoblatta or German roaches from unusual places, we'll reward you with store credit for future buys.
To keep our research and collections top-notch, please share detailed info on the origins of your specimens. We carefully manage our cultures to avoid mix-ups and pests.
We're especially keen on discovering easy-to-culture insects native to Canada and BC, such as dermestids, springtails, and rove beetles. If you've got photos and locale info, we're all ears for collaboration!
So, let's embark on this incredible insect adventure together, exploring the unique biodiversity of Canada and BC while having a blast growing our collections!